This tool sets the tone for private yoga lessons

The intake assessment during your first private yoga session with a new client lays the groundwork for your time together. It serves as a foundation for your boundaries, tone, and relationship.

You can have a conversation about the topics you want to discuss during the in-take process. Instead of passing a clipboard asking for the same information, you can weave the discussion through these points (such as their lifestyle, work patterns, sleep patterns, eating habits, desired outcomes, will develop a personal practice and other forms of or modalities that they use) in a fluid manner. Dialog allows you to dig deeper when you need to and keep the discussion moving when you should.

In order to create your signature in-take procedure, you will need to think about what you would like to know so that you can provide your clients with multidimensional and skillful private yoga lessons. It would be best if you also considered the benefits they want and their yoga-focused desires.

Review the topics and subcategories below as you plan your initial discussion.

Background Information

Understanding your client’s motivation (both their obvious reason and their deeper intent) is the key to unlocking your potential together. Asking about their past and getting to know their attempts at similar work is the first step in uncovering their background.

You can ask them:

Discuss their yoga and movement experiences.

You can also read about past efforts in the same vein.

Your Health History

Asking targeted questions will help you to understand the client’s health and wellbeing on a multidimensional level. While we tend to think about physical items when we consider their health history, other aspects need to be considered, such as their mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing.

Ask questions that will allow you to dig into the history of your partner while enabling you to ask clarifications and questions. Open-ended questions will allow you to get more information than a yes/no answer.

Ask questions that reveal:

Injury (chronic or acute) and surgery.

Mental and emotional wellbeing

Ongoing medications, supplements, providers, etc.

Their Limitations

Take note of the following elements as you continue to converse with clients. They will likely share their perceptions and understandings of their perceived lack of balance within their life, their practice, and their body.

You can test your understanding by asking questions and testing their answers.

Unbalances within their body.

Lack of strength, symmetry, and flexibility.

Willpower and persistence are key.

The Lifestyle and Schedule

Understanding the lifestyle and schedule of an individual is essential to customizing homework and sequences. You may be a private yoga instructor, but you can learn a lot by looking at these lifestyle indicators.

Sleep, movement, and eating patterns.

Stress levels.

Day-in-the-life preview.

Their Goals

It is important to understand that not all yoga clients will have the same goals in mind. By understanding what our students’ core desires are, we can better cater to their needs.

When discussing your intentions with clients, consider the following:

Both short-term and long-term desired outcomes.

Yogic and Life-wise.

You may have a perception of your areas of focus.

Benchmarks, assessments,s, and benchmarks

As you become clearer about the answers that you seek and use this format to introduce new clients, your signature in-take dialogue will evolve. Use this framework to guide your in-take dialogue and process.

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