On the surface, yoga and wrestling may seem to be opposites. When viewed through a negative lens, wrestling seems to pit two individuals against each other to fight. However, in reality, wrestling symbolizes one of the oldest forms of combat.
In France, cave paintings from 15,000 years ago depicted wrestling. Today, athletes compete for championship belts and the chance to compete in the Olympics.
It is a sport requiring strength, endurance, mental toughness, and concentration. It instills confidence, discipline, and humility. It is for this reason that wrestling can and should be used in conjunction with yoga.
The physical and cardio-vascular strength required for wrestling is immense. Yoga reduces injuries and eases pain, especially for wrestlers who suffer from shoulder and leg injuries. The lean muscles that are developed by yoga for wrestlers help to build strength while reducing weight.
Wrestlers can reduce their injuries and pain by increasing flexibility in the shoulders, lower back, hamstrings, and chest. Yoga improves flexibility, strength, and balance.
The art of wrestling is about anticipating and focusing on what’s coming next. Wrestlers who practice yoga are better able to concentrate on the moment. Yoga also increases concentration and focus.
The sport of wrestling itself cultivates and promotes a sense of humility. It encourages the wrestler to keep his head up, regardless of whether he wins or loses. Yoga helps wrestlers to remain humble, and it promotes a “work ethic” by focusing on progress and practice rather than perfection.
Wrestlers Yoga Poses
Eight Point Shoulder Opener – intense shoulder, chest, neck and arms stretch
Low Leg Stretch (Anjaneyasana).- stretches the thighs and groin muscle
Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana ) strengthens and stretches the spine, as well as the chest, lungs, shoulders, and abdomen.
Cow face pose (Gomukhasana)._ stretches the ankles and hips. It also stretches shoulders and armpits.
Big Toe Pose – strengthens and lengthens tight calves and hamstrings
Eagle Pose – Improves strength, flexibility and endurance, as well as increasing concentration
Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)._ stretches the shoulders, hands, calves, and arches of the foot, as well as the hamstrings.
Figure 4 (Eka Pada Utkatasana)._ stretches the muscles around the hips and spine and the knees.
Please share any additional yoga benefits or tips for wrestlers.