You can build your top-to-toe muscle strength with this Vinyasa sequence

From the Sanskrit root tap or “to burn,” tapas-inspired practices are designed to transform a yogi and cleanse impurities and old habits. In cooking, he”n’t change the nature of food. Translated to your routine, adding heat changes the nature of your body and mind. A tapas-informed approach will force you to foster tolerance to discomfort and break open or break down. This vinyasa sequence illuminated by the fire of discipline will build your muscle strength and tend to the flame within.

Start by igniting the flame. Then, heat the body with 3 to 5 rounds of Surya Namaskar A and Surya Namaskar B. Focus on your breath and slow down. Oxygen is an important component of the fire triangle, which includes heat, fuel, and oxygen.

Forearm Plank

Lower yourself from Adho Mukha Svanasana to a plank forearm with a block squeezed gently between your forearms. Lift the thighs and send the tailbone towards the heels. Then, knit the ribs.

Ardha Pincha Mayurasana

Keep the weight of your hands even, and gently squeeze the block using the forearms. Step the feet forward and inhale. Invert a v-shape with the hips. Keep your spine long, and rest the head on the block. When you reach the final position, exhale.

Adho Mukha Svanasana

At the same pace and time, inhale and raise the forearms. Continue to send the hips upward, the thighs inward, and your heels downward. The weight is evenly distributed between the hands.


Slowly lower your forearms to the ground while exhaling at the same pace and time. Gently squeeze your forearms and then walk backward to the plank position. Repeat the step A-D between 5 and 20 times, focusing on quality of movement over quantity. Land in Adho Mukha Svanasana after you have finished your last push-up.

Virabhadrasana II

Move the block slightly forward from Adho Mukha Svanasana. Inhale, and then transition into Virabhadrasana 2. The front leg should be stacked above the front ankle. Your back foot must be parallel to the back of the mat. Your hips should be open and similar to the carpet (also called ‘ squared-hips’). The shoulders should be stacked above the hips, with your hands holding a small block (optional).

High Lunge

Your back heel pivots upwards, and your rear hip rotates to the front on your exhale. Simultaneously, the chest is called ‘squared hips’ while the arms are extended overhead. Biceps at the ears. Both legs are equally distributed with weight.

Virabhadrasana III

As you lift the back leg, inhale and shift your weight to the front leg. Balance on your front leg, and then work to a straight supporting leg (not hyperextended). Use your legs and arms to stretch out in opposite directions.

Standing Crunch

Exhale while you bring your extended hands and knees together. Inhale and lengthen Virabhadrasana II. Repeat this 5-10 times. Exhale and bend your front leg, reaching your floating leg forward to land in High Lunge gently. As your hips begin to open, the back foot pivots so that it is parallel to the mat’s back. Release the block, windmill your hands around the front leg, and step back into Adho Mukha Svanasana. Repeat A-D with the left leg.

Balance this tapas-informed practice with cooling and rejuvenating practices. Spend 5-30 minutes in samat’sa or seated meditation to take care of yourself.

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