8 Yoga Poses to Prepare for Bird of Paradise Poses

The statuesque profile of this yoga pose fittingly resembles the striking and unmistakably attractive Bird of Paradise. Distinguished by the strength and balance required in the supported leg, foiled by the elongation and stretch of the extended portion, Bird of Paradise is a statement as a bird, flower, and yoga pose.

This pose is a beautiful addition to any practice. Like its name, it blossoms with the love of the sun. It is recommended that you practice three to 5 cycles of Surya Namaskar A and three to 5 rounds of Surya Namaskar B before practicing these preparatory positions. In preparation for Bird of Paradise, hold the following poses for 3 to 5 breaths.

Parivrtta Parsvakonasana (Revolved Side Angle Pose) – Variation

Warming up the entire body is important, even if you are doing Bird of Paradise. By squaring your hips, lift the quadriceps in the back and slowly lower the hips. To relieve the weight of the arm and wrist that supports you, stack the shoulders and engage your core if you can; try to soften your gaze (drishti) toward the thumb of your upper hand.

Parivrtta Anjaneyasana – Variation

This deep quadriceps stretching is a favorite of cyclists and runners who have tight hips. It opens up the front of the body and helps stretch out the hips to Bird of Paradise. Focus on both sides of your spine as you twist. Engage the core and lift the arm, wrist, and shoulder.

Utthan Pristhasana – Variation

In this photo, the arms are straight, with both on the inside of the leg. However, if the forearms were placed on the ground, it would have the effect of a pre-pose. Here, the goal is to strengthen and stretch your legs and hips. Focus on reaching the tailbone toward the heel of the back leg while keeping the front leg strong and stable.

Utthan Pristhasana – Bind variation

Binding can be done once the legs are able to support the body easily. Start by wrapping the arm nearest the front leg underneath the front thigh. Place the palm facing up on the hip. The other arm may wrap behind the back. The hand that is wrapped around the thigh can eventually reach the wrist on the arm behind your back.

Utthita parsvakonasana – Variations

The top arm will begin to wrap around the back and wrap toward the front thigh. In time, the bottom hand will cover under the thigh, reaching the wrist behind the back. For the health of your shoulders, it is important not to force the bind. Instead, focus on the journey towards binding.

This pose can be improved by holding onto a towel or strap to help bind the hands. To get the best benefit from this movement, focus on lifting your bottom ribs while engaging the core and your legs.

Utthita trikonasana – Variations

Hyperextension of the front knees and internal rotation of the hips are the most common errors in these Extended Triangle Pose variations. When in doubt, it is important to bend the knee of the front leg slightly. This will prevent hyperextension or joint damage.

Imagine a hand holding the front hip and lifting it constantly up and back. The quadriceps will continue to work, raising the kneecap and protecting the joint. It is also important to use your core to help lengthen the spine, lift the chest, and externally rotate the hips on the back leg.

Garudasana (Eagle Pose) – Variation

Eagle arms can help stretch your back and shoulders after all that shoulder opening for Bird of Paradise. You might want to try “flying the eagle,” which is a gentle movement of the hips, shoulders, and arms while in flight.

This movement is all about listening to your body and gently bending your knees. Yogi tip: Eagle Pose can be a great way for you to cool down and unwind after Bird of Paradise.

Prasarita Padottanasana (Wide-Legged standing forward bend C)

This movement is a final release of shoulders and hamstrings. It lengthens your spine. The hips can be kept in balance by evenly distributing the weight between the legs and lifting the hamstrings. You can slightly pigeonhole your feet but avoid having them reach away from the middle of the body.

Finally! There are several ways to do the Bird of Paradise pose.

Start with your feet slightly wider than hip distance and sweep one arm under the thigh and the other behind your back.

One day, the arm that is wrapped behind your back is gently held by the arm underneath the thigh. Slowly lift the heel and toe of the leg that supports the weight. The spine can remain long, and the knees can be bent.

Keep your legs active and engaged when you lift.

The top leg will eventually be long and the spine high. Look in the opposite direction to the portion that is extended and adopt this pose.

The Bird of Paradise Pose is a powerful asana that combines balance, strength, and stretching. Comment below to share your experiences and tips on how you achieved this powerful and striking pose.

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