Did you know that these airlines offer yoga lessons on board?

While travel is amazing, getting to your destination can be a real pain, both literally and figuratively. Getting stuck in an airport is no fun, and the cramped plane seats can be a special challenge all on their own.

Two in-flight yoga videos have been created by a group of airlines to ease travel anxiety.

Move While You Are Seated

SkyTeam is an association of twenty airlines, including Delta, KLM, and KoreanAir. They were searching for ways to improve the health and satisfaction of their passengers and discovered that yoga was a great way to do so.

SkyTeam teamed up with Iyengar Yoga teacher Asaf Hasmon from Amsterdam to produce two videos. One for onboarding and the other for waiting for your flight or even during a layover.

SkyTeam’s Brand and Communications Director, Fatima de Gloria, says: “Pastors using our routine onboard will not be doing Downward Dogs or Planks, but rather very simple yoga poses that do not invade other passengers’ space.”

It’s true. It’s not necessary to do your asanas in the aisle. Harmon used to be a frequent business traveler and used his experience to create this simple series of movements that can be performed from your seat in any class.

Keep Healthy While Flying

In-flight Yoga is one of the most beneficial aspects of these videos. It can prevent blood clots, which are a danger when you fly for long distances. If you are on a long flight, take a baby aspirin and do these simple poses.

These short classes will make your flight more enjoyable even before you get the drink cart.

You can now enjoy even more entertainment on your flight.

What are your tips for traveling long distances? What do you like to do on long flights with cramped seats? Please share your experiences with us!

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