Five beginner-friendly yoga poses that effectively relieve stress

Summer is (almost) over, and many of us are looking at a busy period of work, studies, and responsibilities. Even just thinking about them is enough to get us a little stressed out! Luckily, there are plenty of easy, relaxing, and calming yoga poses to counterbalance the busy periods. These poses will calm your sympathetic nervous system (responsible for the fight or flight reaction) and get you from a feeling of stress into a sense of calm in no time.

You will feel better in general, sleep better, and have a more positive mood. These beginner-friendly yoga poses will make you feel relaxed in no time.

Balasana Child’s Pose

Child’s Pose makes a good starting pose. You can relax your body and turn your gaze inward. Inhale deeply and spend a few minutes in this Pose. Let the weight of the entire world wash away. This simple Pose not only relaxes and soothes but also gives gentle stretching on the hips and thighs, as well as the ankles and back.

Modifications to try: Spread your legs further apart. This will allow you more room for your stomach. Stretch your arms side-to-side to stretch your back more, or fold your hands and place your face on them. A block can be placed under your forehead. Use a bolster to support your upper body and provide more comfort.

Viparita Karan – Legs Up The Wall

Legs up the Wall is a simple pose that is great for stress relief. Your feet (and body) will be grateful. It is a mild inversion that drains lymphatic fluids out of your legs. This reduces swelling in your feet, ankles, and knees. It also increases circulation in the upper part of the body and helps you regain balance after a long period on your feet. Sit as close as you can to a wall and bring your buttocks to it. Then, lift your legs.

Modifications to try: If you feel any pain in your lower back, move your sitting bones away from the wall. Be sure that your knees do not lock. Place a blanket under your hips or a bolster to enhance the inversion. You can also drop your legs into a V-shape if you have space against the wall. This will stretch the inner thighs.

Supta Baddha konasana (Reclining Bound Angle Pose)

This Pose will calm your mind and relax your body. This Pose opens the hips and stretches your inner thighs while also gently extending the heart. You can stay anywhere between 5-15 minutes to calm your nervous system and improve your circulation. Here, you can learn how to perform the Reclined Bound Angle Pose.

Modifications to try: Place a bolster (lengthwise) under your back. You can also place some blocks underneath your bolster in order to sit higher. Place blocks under your legs if you are experiencing discomfort. This could be done on the wall right after Viparita Karan. Bring your soles together and bring your feet closer to the hips.

Jathara Parivartanasana – Revolved Abdomen Pose

Yoga twists relieve tension from the spine and restore balance to the nervous system. Revolved abdominal Pose is a simple but effective way to relieve stress and anxiety. It also helps with headaches and fatigue. This Pose is also a great stretch and opening for the shoulders, upper back, and neck. It stretches your back muscles and glutes and massages your inner organs.

Modifications to try: If you experience discomfort in your shoulders or tingling of the arms, bring your arms closer to the body. The twisting of the upper back will be intensified by placing your knees close to your chest. The twist will be shifted to the lower back if you move your knees down.

Try out different poses to see what works best for you. If you have back pain, either move carefully under the guidance of an instructor or avoid the Pose. Here are some tips to help you stay safe when doing twists.

Savasana – Corpse Pose

When we are stressed, it can be not easy to do absolutely nothing. This is why Savasana should be a part of your practice. It may appear to be nothing–just lying on the mat–but the secret is its sweet nothingness. The trick lies in the space, the allowing, and the release it provides. Savasana should be the last thing you do at the end of every practice.

Modifications you can try: Get comfortable! You can use a pillow under your knees or a bolster to add weight to your stomach. Cover your eyes with a small piece of towel to relax yourself.

The muscles store stress and anxiety, so the more you relax, the more the mind understands that things are actually OK. Enjoy the benefits of these easy, beginner-friendly yoga poses to relieve stress.

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