Ardha Purvottanasana, or Reverse Table Top Pose, is easy to approach and has plenty of wonderful benefits. Modern life tends to leave us hunching forward, whether studying, working at a desk, or sitting for long days, and the front of the body tends to get tightened, and the shoulders tend to get tense.
Open up your front body, open up your heart, and allow more room for life to move in.
Reverse Table Top is a great alternative to the backbends, which aim at the front opening.
Ardha Purvottanasana: Benefits
Reverse Table Top Pose (also called Half-Upward Plank Pose) is a good counterpose between forward bends. It has many benefits by itself. The Reverse Table Top Pose stretches and strengthens the shoulders and front of the body, as well as the wrists, arms, and legs.
The pose is good for posture, and it also gives you an energy boost.
Step by Step
Begin in Dandasana by sitting straight up with your legs in front of you.
You should bend your knees to the point where both of your feet touch the ground. Allow some space between the hips and feet so that your knees are at a 90-degree angle when you stand up.
Lean back and place your hands on the mat behind you with your fingers pointing inwards.
As you inhale, raise your hips and press firmly on your hands and feet. Straighten your arms and make sure your knees, torso, and legs are parallel to the floor. Your wrists must be directly under your shoulders.
Open your chest by bringing the shoulder blades together.
If it feels good for your neck, you can either keep your neck neutral or gently lower your head.
You can relax your buttocks and hold the pose with only the strength of the legs.
Hold the pose for 4 to 6 breaths, and then release your hips. Straighten your legs to return to Dandasana.
Repeat this pose at least 2-3 times.
Tips and Modifications
This pose is not recommended if you have wrist problems. As the wrists are bent at 90 degrees, the pressure can be quite heavy.
If you have neck pain or discomfort, try to keep your neck neutral. Or keep your chin close to your chest. Avoid lowering the head.
Place a block under your hips and rest some of your weight there. It will make it easier for you to perform the pose.
Avoid this pose if your shoulders are in pain.
This great, accessible pose can be used as a counter pose to deeper forward folds in your sequence or just for its own sake. Enjoy the space that it creates within you!