Yoga is Space: 5 Elements

Have you ever felt like you couldn’t take a truly deep breath? Or did you not have any more room in your heart for someone else’s experience?

You may have been suffering from an insufficient space element.

Ayurveda & Space Element

Ayurveda says that the space element, also called ether, is where all things happen. It is the subtlest form of space element, and it’s where it occurs before anything else.

Space reflects this. It’s still because there is no wind. It is cold because it does not have the heat from fire. It’s dry and light because there is no moisture in it. After all, the earth is not present. It is a place where there is no one, so it is vast, pervasive, and has no center.

As I said before, subtle.

The expansive space element is not selective and can accommodate everything as it is.

You will be more accepting, flexible, and open-minded. You’ll find that changes and challenges will pass more easily because you won’t be holding on to your ideals.

There can be too much space distorted. Space can get in the way when you feel detached instead of being open. If you only seek out practices, substances, and people that make you “blissed out,” then space is a little twisted.

The healthy space element can accommodate both the painful and pleasurable without attempting to avoid discomfort.

Yoga and Space Element

Every time you breathe, you connect with the space element. When you are in a yoga pose, the feeling of reaching beyond (and into) your body’s boundaries connects you to space elements.

Some postures evoke a sense of space, just like Earth and Water.

You can sit in any meditation posture.

In its purest form, seated meditation could be described as a contemplation of space. In yoga, we sometimes talk about the romance or dance of Shiva and Shakti.

Shiva, which is sometimes called the divine consciousness, encompasses qualities such as spaciousness, stillness, and hospitality.

Shakti, also known as divine energy, is a quality of movement and transformation that fills space.

In this perspective, seated meditation is a practice that emphasizes the experience of the Shiva side of that relationship. (Although without Shakti, it can feel empty.

Try this if you haven’t yet developed a meditation routine:

Sit comfortably in any position that allows you to keep your spine upright and tall. Be aware of the feeling you get from the chair or floor beneath your seat bones. As you breathe in, drop your inhalation to your belly so that your sides and belly expand. Then, as you exhale, your navel will pull back towards your spine.

Focus on your breathing as it enters and leaves your body. Do not worry about your thoughts. They will take care of themselves. Just stay with your breathing. Try starting with five minutes to see how you feel.

Do you feel more relaxed? Are you more calm?

The Corpse Pose is also known as Savasana.

Corpse Pose may be the most advanced of all space element practices. After you have done a lot of asanas and opened up your channels, it is time to let go.

Savasana is a great way to bring your practice to fruition. It also allows you to correct any areas that may have been overstretched or mistreated.

Savasana: How to practice it

Close your eyes and lie flat on your back. Move your arms, legs, and hips around for a couple of minutes until you find the right position. This means that your legs should be about 12 “-18”. Your arms should also be away from your sides.

Then, lay down and lengthen your back. Turn your palms upwards to face the ceiling. Breathe in deeply and fully, then let them out with a big sigh. Let go.

Do not grab anything, and do not push away anything. Let everything be as it is. Let your thoughts come and go without interfering. Let your thoughts arise and pass away without judging or evaluating them.

Savasana is recommended for 10 minutes, although you can go longer if you’ve got the time.

More space in your life will lead to less friction and more breathing room. How do you create space in your life?

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