Most humans can live up to three weeks without food, three days without water, and only three minutes without oxygen. It is clear that our breath is key to our survival, but the ancient yogis also proposed that breath is key to vitality.
By using yogic breathing techniques, also known as pranayama, we can control our physiology. This is sometimes called “belly breath.”
What is belly breathing?
You can breathe in your stomach. Nope. You can only breathe into your lungs. It is misleading to call this technique “belly breath” in some respects.
The diaphragm (the dome-shaped muscle) that separates our abdominal cavity, where we have the reproductive and digestive organs, from the thoracic (where the heart and lungs are located) causes your belly to move up and down. This technique is also known as “diaphragmatic breath,” and that is what I will call it.
Bring one hand up above your belly button and the other at your heart to try it. Close your eyes, take some deep breaths, and allow your hands to move slightly outward and upward with each inhale and then back inward with every exhale. Many seemingly miraculous things can happen when your diaphragm naturally moves with your breath. From a physiological standpoint, here are some benefits of diaphragmatic or belly breathing.
1.) How to Make Our Respiratory Systems Work Best
Have you ever observed a baby, your dog, or a cat breathing? What do you follow? You’ll probably notice a lot more 3-dimensional movement in the abdomen area and throughout your body. It was natural for us to move when we breathed before society taught us how to live inefficiently.
What did we learn as we grew older? Suck in the air and squeeze your stomach. We wore clothes that restricted our breathing. As we get older, many of us unintentionally train ourselves out of the most efficient and natural method of breathing–diaphragmatic.
Gas exchange is inefficient when you have poor breathing habits. Our cells will not receive the nutrients that they require at the optimal rate. We can experience lethargy, brain fog, and chronic health issues if trillions of cells do not feel happy. The diaphragm breathing technique can help us achieve natural vitality.
2.) Stimulates relaxation response
This is the activation of the parasympathetic system. The sympathetic nervous system is also turned off (also known as the “stress reaction” or “fight or flight”) by this. This autonomic jumpy is only accessible by taking deep breaths. It makes the heart beat faster and helps food to digest more efficiently.
We can reduce stress and anxiety by choosing the relaxation response more often than the stress response.
You can activate the relaxation response, in particular, by taking deep diaphragmatic breaths and exhaling slowly.
Try it again: this time, place both hands directly above your belly button near your lower diaphragm and ribs. Take five deep breaths, with a 3-second intake and a 6-second expiration. Feel the movement in your hands. Feel the difference in your hands.
3.) Pain Relief
As a Yoga Therapist, my specialty is working with pain reduction. When my clients are stressed, they report more pain. Stress and chronic pain are intimately related.
We can reduce flare-ups and pain by using breathing techniques such as diaphragmatic breath.
4.) The Pelvic Floor and core muscles are gently stretched.
Core muscles include the abdominals, the erector muscles of the back (muscles that help us stand tall and upright), the diaphragm, and the pelvic floors (see here my article about the pelvic floor). The natural movement of our body in three dimensions when we breathe helps to keep muscles healthy.
5.) Posture Improvement
To do diaphragmatic breath properly, you must sit up straight. All of your organs will be able to function more efficiently. Your digestion is improved, your heart pumps better, and your nerves, blood vessels, and blood vessels will be less likely to be pinched. You also release more hormones, which make you feel more confident.
You will be more focused and confident when your systems are working properly. What are you waiting for? You can reap the benefits of deep breathing by practicing it several times a day.