The Week In Yoga 

Everyone seems to be super busy nowadays, don’t you agree? That’s why the goal of our The Week In Yoga installments is to put together the top reads of the past week so you can catch up on your yoga reading in just one click.

Here are our top picks for reading in case you have missed them. 

5 Tips for Alignment of Upward Facing Dog

This pose is great for improving posture, strengthening the upper body and arms, and stretching the shoulders. 

 10-Minute Yoga Flow for Mind and Body Transformation 

Raghunath will guide you through this quick 10-minute yoga practice. You’ll feel better than you ever have before. 

 5 Yoga Pose Modifications for Sensitive Wrists

Modify your yoga poses if you feel tenderness in the wrists. Here are some suggestions on how to modify your yoga poses. 

 A Backbend Yoga Sequence For Beginners

This backbend sequence will help you achieve that deep backbend you’ve been craving. 

 3 Yoga Poses for the Fire Element

Fire is associated with the third chakra, located deep in the abdomen. This chakra is where you find your power. It represents change and Transformation. 

 How to Do King Cobra Pose

Cobra and variations of it can invigorate your body for the day. They can improve spinal mobility while strengthening the back muscles. 

 5 Gentle Yoga Twists To Ease Stress Right From Your Bed

Get your lavender eye pillow and jasmine scent diffuser ready, then try these tasty yoga twists. 

 Top 7 Yoga Poses That Help Boost Fertility

Yoga will not only help you heal your mind, your body, and your soul, but it will also ensure that good news knocks on your door soon. Here are seven of the best yoga poses that will help you boost your fertility.

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