Three ways to modify your shoulder stand

Supported Shoulderstand, or Salamba Sarvangasana, is an inversion that comes with many benefits. It stretches the back of the neck, strengthens the spine, improves circulation, improves digestion, and calms the mind. But it’s not always the easiest or most comfortable asana in the book!

There are many ways to make the Shoulderstand more accessible. You will find below three modifications to the Shoulderstand that you can make to help ease your entry into the pose.

Please note, before we proceed, that this pose is best avoided if you are suffering from neck injuries, diarrhea, headaches, or menstruating. Viparita Karani’s Legs Up the Wall can be substituted for this pose. Never turn your head when in the pose. Come down and modify yourself if you need to.

Folded blankets

Using blankets will help protect your back and give you more room for your chest and neck. Your neck and head must be elevated off the blanket.

Fold the blankets so that the folded edge is under your shoulders. Towels can be stacked, and a yoga towel or another towel can be used to hold the pile together.

Start with your shoulders just a few inches away from the edge of your blanket. When you rise, your shoulders will move closer to the edge.

Use a block

Using two blocks under the sacrum is a good way to practice inversions before you’re ready to go all the way back up or when you want to take it easy. This is an intermediate pose between Viparita Sarvangasana and Salamba Karani.

Before you lay down on the floor, keep 1-2 blocks in reach. Keep the blankets underneath your upper back so that you can lift your head, neck, and shoulders off the mat. Place the bottoms of your feet close to your hips. Inhale and lift your hips towards Bridge Pose. Slide the blocks underneath your sacrum.

Use a block’s flattest side. This will give you the most surface area to support and, therefore, be the most stable. This can be done with either one or two blocks, depending on the amount you want to raise your hips.

As soon as you have found a good place for the block, lift one leg at a time up towards the ceiling. If you can, roll your shoulders and interlace your fingers.

Use a wall for support.

The wall is an excellent place to continue. It provides support and balance and allows you to get a feel for a Shoulderstand.

Begin in Viparita Karani, bringing the short end to the wall. Sit sideways toward the wall and slowly raise your legs while keeping your torso on your mat. Bend your knees a little to bring the bottom of your feet to the wall. Your palms should face up, and your hands should be next to you.

On an inhale, press your feet against the wall and lift your hips. It may take a few tries to find the right spot for your feet. However, it would be best if you never made any adjustments while in the pose. You should always lower your hips, adjust your feet, and then come back up. The shoulders should be rolled under to allow the chest to get closer to the chin.

If you are comfortable, lift one leg at a time. Stay in this pose for 4 to 6 breaths, and then slowly lower yourself.

You can start where you are comfortable and progress slowly from there. It’s best to begin your practice with a professional before you continue at home.

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