Our legs, like every other body part, need some attention every day to help them remain strong, flexible and grounded enough to help us carry out our daily chores in the most efficient manner.
It’s not rocket science to take care of your legs. You can achieve the toned, healthy legs you have always wanted by dedicating a few minutes each day to yourself. It’s not easy to stay motivated. Why not try the 30-Day Yoga Challenge for free if you’re struggling? You will soon become accustomed to being on your mat every day.
Here are seven great yoga poses to strengthen your legs and thighs.
Downward Facing dog
A pose inspired by a man’s faithful friend, the dog, Downward-Facing Dog, or Adho Mukha Svanasana, is effective for strengthening the ankles, knees, and toes while stretching the shoulders and back. It also stretches the calves and stretches the calves. It increases flexibility and range of motion by lengthening the muscles.
Start with your palms and toes on the floor. Spread out your fingers like a star and bend your knees directly under your hips. Yes, the pose begins with a seated position. Inhale deeply and prepare yourself to lift your hips towards the ceiling. Slowly exhale while gently lifting your hips, straightening your knees, and balancing the weight on the soles of your feet and palms.
When performing this pose, keep your gaze between your toes.
Beginners should hold the position for between 15-30 seconds. Exhale gently and return to the original position.
Low Lunge
Low lunge or Anjaneyasana is a Yoga pose that improves the strength and flexibility of the hips and legs. It also helps to strengthen and stretch the shoulders and knees.
Start in Downward Facing Dog. Exhale, and then step your right leg forward between your palms. Drop your left knee, putting the top of your foot on the ground.
Inhale now and raise your torso while raising your arms to your sides. Your arms should be perpendicular and straight to the ground. Keep your chin slightly lifted, but not too much so that it compresses the neck. Avoid slouching.
Warrior II
The Warrior II pose, or Virabhadrasana II is a great way to strengthen and stretch the legs, ankles, and shoulders.
Your lower body should be grounded, and the arms, shoulders, and hips should all be in one plane.
Standing in Mountain Pose. Step your feet 3 1/2-4 feet apart with an exhalation. Raise your arms parallel with the floor and reach them out actively to the side, shoulder blades spread, palms down.
Turn your left foot 90 degrees to the left and your right foot to the right. Exhale, and bend your left leg over the left ankle so that the shin runs parallel to the floor. Bring the left thigh as parallel to the ground as possible. Stretch your arms parallel to the ground and over the pelvis.
The tailbone should be pressed slightly towards the pubis. Look out over your fingers and turn the head to the right. Stay 30 seconds up to 1 minute. As you inhale, reverse your feet and then repeat the asana.
Pose Extended Side Angle
Extended side angle pose, or Utthita Parsvakonasana, increases flexibility and power in the ankles. It stretches your legs, knees, and ankles.
Exhale, and spread your feet about three feet apart. Raise your arms parallel to the floor. Turn your right foot forward and your left foot to the left. Slowly rotate your left thigh so that both the center of the knee and the ankle of the left leg are on the same line.
Slowly inhale, and bend your left leg over the left ankle until the shin becomes perpendicular. Now, the left thigh should be parallel to the floor. It would be best if you stretched your right leg from hip to ankle.
Slowly extend your right hand on the left side. The palm should face down and be straight. Your right arm should also be touching your right ear. Slowly turn inwards and look down at your palm. It would be best if you placed your other arm on the ankle of the left foot without supporting the shoulder or ankle.
Push the arm towards the ceiling while inhaling and expelling. Repeat this exercise a few more times, and then slowly return to your starting position.
Chair Pose
The Chair Pose (Utkatasana) is the strongest in this sequence. It is the very idea of sitting on a chair that allows us to find strength in our bodies, particularly the hips and legs.
Standing erect, with your feet slightly separated. While you inhale, raise your arms above your head, bringing your palms together. Look towards your thumbs. Exhale by bending your knees and lowering your pelvis.
Sit in Sukhasana, a cross-legged position. You can also lie on your back to relax.
Reclining Big Toe Pose
The Reclining Big Toe Pose (Supta Padangushthasana) is performed by lying on your back and holding the big toe in place with your fingers while stretching out the other leg.
The arms are used to open the chest and increase blood circulation.
Half Frog Pose
Half Frog pose, or Ardha Bhekasana, stretches the throat and chest. It also stretches your abdomen, groin area, thighs and ankles.
Lay on your stomach. Lift your upper body and head by pressing your forearms into the floor. Bring your heel to the same-side hip by bending your right leg.
With your right hand, clasp your foot while standing on your left forearm.
You resemble a frog when you try this pose.
What are some of your favorite leg and thigh-strengthening poses? Please share your favorite poses with us!