7 SUP Yoga Poses For Beginners

You don’t need to be a pro paddler or even have practiced yoga before to do Stand-up Paddleboard yoga! You need to know how to adapt your alignment so you stay balanced.

Yoga on paddleboards improves core, arm, and leg strength while also improving balance. You must be at your best on the water and correct any limb that is being favored to avoid falling into the water. This focus will strengthen your practice once you get back to your mat.

Here are some tips for adapting some poses to SUP yoga so you can remain dry and maintain a safe alignment on water.

Chair Pose

When standing on the board you will want to adopt a Chair Pose that is loose so you can glide along with the water ripples.

Keep your feet at least hip width apart. You can maintain almost any position with a stable base. Focus your gaze at the top of the board or the horizon when doing Chair Pose. Everything else around you will be moving and could cause you to lose your balance.

You can now add a twist to the arms or alter their variation.

Garland Pose

This pose can be very deep on the board. You must keep your heels firmly on the ground. I’ve seen so many people slip in the water because their heels were lifted, even a little bit!

Standing in chair pose, with your feet at the width of your board and toes facing out, place yourself in the middle. Sink your seat slowly between your hips or knees. Grab the board’s edges and rock from side to side. It’s fun and a great way to improve your hip opener.

Crow Pose

Crow is a favorite on paddle boards. Remember that you are more likely to fall on the board than into the water if you do fall. So let go of your fear.

If you are doing the Crow Pose, you can try the variation that grips the outer edges of the upper arms so you have a low center of gravity. Instead of focusing on the water, focus your gaze on your board’s tip.

Side Plank

In the studio, we tend to lean our hips backwards. On the boards, you will not do this as your balance will make you stand straight up.

You will need to modify your board a lot to stay in Side Plank. Start with your lower leg down and use your forearm to gain stability. Once you have your legs in place, you can raise your hand to the big blue sky.

After you are comfortable, you can stagger your feet one in front of another at the board’s back.

Three-Legged Dogs and Scorpion Dogs

It’s a fun and intense way to balance on the board. And who doesn’t enjoy some upside-down time? It is best to do Down-Dogging while on your paddle board because it corrects any favouring that you may be doing. The board will tilt if you push more into one leg. Your body will correct the weight distribution automatically to prevent you from falling.

Start in Down Dog, and then toe/heel together your feet to the middle back of your board. Your hands and feet should form a triangle. After your leg has been lifted, you can play with your balance and curve your leg by stacking your hips in Scorpion Dog while moving your gaze above your rib cage.

Warrior II

This is a more difficult board, but is still accessible to beginners as long as they move slowly and focus on where their weight is. You will need to do Goddess Pose before you can move on to Warrior II. Your feet, in contrast to the studio, should be at least hip width apart.

Begin by performing Warrior II while on your knees. Place your hands in front of the stomach area. As you lift your back foot into Goddess Pose, keep both knees bent. Set up your Warrior II by deepening the bend of the front leg and straightening the back leg while you extend the arms parallel to water.

Chaturanga Floating Back

Yes! You can do it on your board. Remember that the board will move forward as you float.

You should never jump back. Instead, you should press your hands down and lift your body. Be light and airy. Landing softly on the board is essential to avoid creating a swell and knocking your neighbor into the water.

Take your practice to the stand-up paddle board. Remember to maintain a stable base and to move slowly. Focus your gaze either on your board or the horizon.

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