Pigeon pose ( Eka Pada Rajakapotasana ) is an intermediate yoga posture that opens the hips and chest, stretches the quads, and provides a deep backbend. This complex asana carries both mental and physical benefits and a unique history.
It is possible that the pose was named after a real pigeon. (kapota in Sanskrit translates as pigeon) The full expression of this pose looks like a pigeon puffing its chest. The pose may also have been named after Kapota, a yogic teacher who was known as a master of agility, strength, and vitality, according to the Mahabharata.
Eka Pada Rajakapotasana
The pigeon pose, which is a hip opener in Western Yoga classes, has many benefits that go beyond strengthening and stretching the hips. The pigeon pose stretches your quads, chest, and back, depending on which variation you choose.
The pigeon pose is a great way to stretch out the psoas, which is the main hip flexor that connects the legs and torso. This muscle becomes shorter as a result of a sedentary lifestyle. This pose also encourages the external rotation (or turning outward) of the femur within the hip socket. Ligaments, tendons, and muscles can then be strengthened and lengthened.
The full expression of the pose stimulates the organs and glands of the abdomen. This promotes physical well-being. The pigeon pose helps you remain calm during stressful situations. It activates the sympathetic nervous system, which is triggered by the “fight-or-flight” stress response.
Pigeon Pose as the Peak Pose
The pigeon pose is usually performed at the end of the yoga sequence. This is because the body has already warmed up, and the focus should be on relaxing the mind, calming down, and moving into more restful postures.
Yoga sequencing is holistic. It allows the poses to work in harmony by activating various areas of the body as a preparation for the peak pose. Warming up your hips and lower back will help you prepare for Pigeon Pose and ensure that you are safe when you fully express the pose.
If you have a knee or sacroiliac issue, the pigeon position should be avoided to prevent further injury. You may need to practice other postures and to get to the full expression.
Pigeon Pose Sequence
Warm up by doing five rounds of Sun Salutation A before you start.
Bound Angle Pose
This pose is also known as Baddha Konasana. It helps you to explore the external rotation of the hips. For a deeper hip flexor stretch, bend forward. Explore the posture with gentle movements and hold it for as long as necessary.
The three-legged dog is a variation of the Downward Dog
This Downward Dog ( Adho Mukha Svanasana ) variation allows you to explore hip flexibility, increase hip circulation, and prepare your hips for deeper stretching. This is a good way to stretch your arms, chest, and back.
Crescent Lunge
Anjaneyasana stretches the psoas and quads to prepare the hips for more intense movements. This pose opens up the chest and provides a gentle backbend that prepares you for a deeper twist. This pose prepares you for the push-pull in the pigeon position.
Warrior II
Virabhadrasana I is a powerful pose that helps cultivate concentration and opens the hips while lengthening and warming the upper and lower bodies. To prepare for other poses, hold the pose for a minimum of one minute.
Thread the Needle
This is an excellent way to rotate your hips while engaging the psoas externally. If Pigeon Pose is not possible for you, you can try this variation to get similar benefits while lying down.
Pigeon Pose
The peak pose! The peak pose!
Use a block or mat under your hips for extra support. Find your level and work on the best pose for you.
Knees to Nose
To make it extra yummy, rock back and forth to massage the spine. Rock back and forth in order to release tension and massage the spine.
Twist Reclined
A reclined Twist helps release tension by stretching out the outer hips and gently twisting the spine.
Try a short meditation in a comfortable sitting posture, or relax in Savasana. Do a scan of your body from the bottom to the top.
Remember that everybody is unique and needs different movements depending on what day it is. To get the most out of this sequence, respect your limits and give yourself the mindful movements you deserve.