Marichyasana: How to Do it

Marichyasana A translates to “Pose Dedicated to the Sage Marichi A.” It is one variation of four others (B, C, and D), and Marichi means ‘ray of light.’

This pose is usually practiced at the end of a few Ashtanga series. This pose is only appropriate for Ashtanga practitioners. It should be done at the end after the shoulders, hips, and hamstrings have been warmed up and opened.

It looks easy, right? Not so fast. Here, there’s a great deal of opposition and much to consider. Some stretching, some contracting, and some folding. Take a look at Marichyasana A.

Set Up Your Legs

Draw your right foot in and plant it as near to your hips as possible from Staff Pose. Please don’t push your knee!

As you extend your leg, flex your left foot and send energy through your heel.

Bind your Arms

Bring your right hand on the inside of the right thigh. Rotate your arm inwards so that your palm faces to the right. Your thumb should be pointing to the floor.

Grab your right shin and wrap your arm around it. Bend your elbow to get the crease of your elbow in front of your leg. Reach towards your glutes, right hip, or thigh.

The left arm will touch your right hand when it reaches behind you. You can grab your wrist if you wish.

Fold Back

Engage Uddiyana Bandha and lengthen your body as if lifting your hips.

You can fold your body forward by using your core strength.

Keep your left leg engaged and your right knee tight against your shoulder.

Place your chin below your kneecap or place your forehead over your leg.

As Marichi did, bow down and recognize the light within you.


Marichyasana A, a difficult variation of the forward fold, is challenging. Once you find the sweet spot, this pose opens your shoulders, hips, and back.

This pose stimulates digestion as well by compressing abdominal organs, including the liver and kidneys. This stimulation can relieve gas and constipation.

Modifications and Variations

Please remember that there is no “destination” in yoga. You, on your mat.

There are many variations and modifications to Marichyasana A that you can do to get the full benefits of this pose.

Don’t want to bind your hands? You can hug the leg towards your chest. To involve your shoulders, you can bring your arms to your sides and bend your elbows as if doing a pushup.

You are not yet able to bind your hands. Grab a strap behind your back and hold it. Close the gap between hands by slowly walking your hands towards each other.

If you have tight hips, groins, and shoulders, be cautious when doing this pose. Our egos often force us to bend and bind in half. Let it go. Slowly progress through this pose. Pause when you reach your limit.

Use these steps to find your Marichyasana A expression.

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