That time of the month often comes with some uncomfortable, inconvenient, and painful effects. With over eighty percent of women suffering from period-related pain at some point in their lives, it’s important to understand how to treat cramping holistically.
Yoga can help manage the negative effects of menstruation. Instead of self-medicating or skipping daily activities, you could try yoga to relieve aches and discomfort.
The poses will also help to relieve pain and discomfort. These are Yin yoga postures. When performed in Yin style (i.e., holding passive poses for 3-5 minutes), the benefits of these poses are enhanced by a deep stretch and getting in touch with your body and mind.
Regular yoga practice helps your mind and body relax. You will learn how to relax and enjoy movement. You will also discover ways to ease discomfort, as well as to accept any emotion that may arise – even menstruation!
Here are six yoga poses that will relieve your menstrual pain AND calm your mind.
Child Pose
In most yoga classes, the Child’s Pose is used as a resting pose. The pose has many benefits and is an excellent option for women who suffer from back pain caused by menstruation. Child’s Pose soothes back pain by gently stretching low back muscles.
Concentrate on breathing deeply into your back. Pay attention to the rise and fall of the breath. Relax your hips, and rest the torso on the tops of your thighs to help relieve fatigue.
Tip: Place a pillow or bolster under the torso for a more comfortable space. This will allow you to hold the pose for longer.
Forward Fold
Standing forward, fold, stretch the hips, and lengthen the spine by counteracting compression. Stretching the hamstrings and calves can also ease pain in the lower legs and the area around the spine.
It’s important to get your body moving by standing up and bending over after long periods of sitting or lying down. You’ll thank yourself for moving the circulatory!
Tip: Grab opposite elbows and release neck muscles for further unwinding.
Knees to Chest Pose
Knees to Chest is one of the best poses for menstrual cramps. This posture is relaxing and relieves tension in the lower back and abdominal muscles and reduces pain. The Knees to Chest Pose also improves circulation in the abdomen and helps the internal organs. It also reduces anxiety.
Tip: While in the pose, rock your body from side to side as well as front to back. This will give you a massage on your back.
Supine Twist
Twists are said to “wring out” the body, stimulating, detoxifying, and refreshing the inner organs. Holding the reclined spine twist while focusing on breathing can help ease nerves and abdominal pain during menstruation.
Tip: Relax your legs, shoulders and hips. Let gravity do the twisting. If you are having trouble relaxing, prop your knees up on a pillow or bolster.
The Cat-Cow pose is more active than previous poses and will help to warm the body. This has been known to reduce menstrual cramps. These poses also target the abdominal and back muscles, stretching and toning. This gentle flow can also improve emotional balance and coordination, which may be affected by the menstrual period.
Tip: Alternate between poses as slowly as necessary, lingering in the desired position. Inhale for the Cow pose and exhale for the Cat pose.
Savasana is also known as Corpse Pose. This simple supine pose requires little effort but reaps many benefits.
Tip Savasana requires that you relax your body and mind. Bring your attention to the breathing and feel the ground under you. The mind can focus on the present moment and divert attention from the pain by controlling the breath.
Menstrual pain can make it difficult to concentrate or muster the energy to get through your day. But this shouldn’t stop you from living your life. Yoga can be an alternative gentle and therapeutic way to manage period pain. Remember to breathe and move at your own pace throughout the process.