Yogis are known for their laid-back demeanor. All that meditation makes us more mellow and able to take life as it comes with a “C’est la vie” approach.
We all need motivation sometimes, whether we are the go-getters of business or life, the ones who need to be pushed in the pants, or those who need a little push.
Here are five tips for lazy yoga practitioners:
Be Zen Like Buddha
It may seem counterproductive to tell a lazy yogi that they should be Zen-like Buddhas. Am I right? Why would I tell someone to slow down if they’re already in a Child’s Pose and enjoying themselves?
Slow and steady wins. Even if you are a lazy yoga practitioner, it’s likely that you get excited sometimes and rush ahead with projects and poses. You lose momentum somewhere along the way. When hard work begins, the excitement fades, and good yogis become lethargic.
Take some time before you start your task to warm up, just like you would when you jump on the mat, to prepare your body for an intense sweat session. Endurance, baby. Keep up the pace to stay in the race.
Buddy Up
Strength is in numbers. Sometimes, two lazy yogis can accomplish twice as much.
Your second tip to beat the lazy yogi’s blues is to find a buddy. Motivate and inspire each other. Find someone who has similar goals but a little more drive. This person can keep you from doing Corpse poses all day.
Focus on Fun
Yoga slackers are known for delaying unpleasant tasks. Which asanas cause you to suffer? To make those difficult poses or hard work more manageable, find something that’s fun or exciting.
Create a practice at home that includes both restorative and burning poses. Turn up the music when you do other chores and turn it into a party. Before you start folding, throw your clean laundry on your bed and let it warm up. Inhale the wonderful scent of the soap as you roll around in the fabric.
You can make your work more enjoyable in many ways.
Become a Compulsive Liar
You will feel burdened if you spend too much time thinking about something. Imagine you want to begin a cardio workout before morning yoga. The night before, you’re pumped up, so you set an alarm and slip into bed to take a long yoga nap. When your limbs are limp and you hear buzzing, it seems that the cardio session was a bad idea.
You become a compulsive liar. You tell yourself things like, “I’m only going out for a short jaunt or a walk to my mailbox, nothing more.”
You can talk yourself out of going further down the road to reach the end. You’ll soon find that the first block has become a second and then a third. Before you know it, you have a mile of cardio under your belt and are glistening.
A little white lie never hurts a lazy yoga practitioner.
Fashion is not everything.
It’s time to get your mat out today. It’s hard to motivate yourself when you know that you will feel better after stretching and posing.
You may resent being an adult because your mom won’t be coming to force you out of bed and into the world. You won’t have her lay out your clothes either. Making these kinds of decisions in the early morning, before the brown beans have finished their job, can be difficult.
What’s the best thing for a lazy yoga practitioner to do? What about going to the mat while wearing your pajamas? You can practice at home in your paisley pants or Christmas cat sweatshirt. Lycra or no lycra, a yogi will always be a yogi.