How To Do Lolasana Or Pendant Pose

As children, we watched our friends swing their little bodies like pendulums between their arms, but as we got older, these tricks vanished from our playlists. I guess we re-prioritized and started putting things like coffee, rent, and laundry above the need to use our arms as a makeshift swing set!

Lolasana, a movement that increases upper-body strength and opens the spine to relieve and prevent pain, is not widely known.


Lolasana is a challenging pose that requires control of the upper and core back. It’s a great preparation for the straight-armed Crow Pose, Firefly, and even handstand.

This is a movement that is called an arm balance. It is great for people who use their hands to perform repetitive activities, such as typists and chefs.

Lolasana works the arms, core, and spine muscles. It is especially beneficial to those who suffer from chronic back pain caused by spinal compression below their neck.


Warm up before you enter Lolasana. This could take several weeks or only a few moments, depending on your bone structure, tension, and overall strength. You should be patient with your body and enjoy the sensations as those muscles open and strengthen.

Find your deepest Cat position. As you arch your spine, spread your shoulder blades apart. Nir Livni Photograph

Use a knee-to-nose movement in the Cat or Plank position and hold it for a few breaths on each side. Hold Malasana for ten breaths.

It takes time and perseverance to strengthen your wrists. In Down Dog, work on perfecting your hand alignment. Press into your peace-sign fingers, rotate your inner arm forward, and lift your shoulders away from your ears.

You can get super-strong arms by doing Planks for long periods, wrapping your upper arms around your chest, and pressing your back to the sky.

You’re all warmed up? All Warmed Up?

Try a Plank position, pressing your hands to the floor while gripping the tips of your fingertips.

Step your foot as close to the wrist of the opposite hand as possible, and then move the other foot over to the wrist on the other side.

Your shins should be crossed if you line your knees inside your arms. Keep your arms straight. (If you hyperextend the elbow, try to find a small bend).

Step back with one foot. Repeat this a few more times on each side.

Try doing the same movement with your toes or tops of your feet instead of tucked in. The feet should be positioned as they would in Cobra, Children’s Pose, or Up Dog. It will help you lift off the floor with less resistance.

Lifting into the Shape

You may want to place a block beneath each hand to get you started.

Perform the preparation movement above. You can also try both sides. Try both sides.

You can try to rock front to back once you feel comfortable with that. This part will be less dangerous on the floor than blocks.

Phew! Lolasana may not be as simple as your friends in childhood made it seem. Don’t get discouraged if you find yourself struggling. We do these shapes not to check off a list but as a way of meditating. Preparation work can provide all the benefits.

If a pose isn’t humbling or requires your full concentration to maintain it, it won’t be as good for your brain as a more challenging shape. Remember this whenever you find a pose that was once easy becoming difficult again or when you have difficulty with new movements or postures.

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