The Ultimate Yoga Sequence to Strengthen and Balance

If you are looking to fire up your practice, try this ultimate yoga sequence! Designed for practitioners who have a strong foundation of personal training and a solid baseline of strength and balance, this sequence will help you reach a new level. Take breaks whenever you need to and modify your body.

Hello, Sun:

Warm-up with Surya namaskar A and B.

Begin with Surya namaskar A and Surya namaskar B, both of which are Sun Salutations A. Land in Tadasana.

Core + More

Flow through a modified Surya Namaskar B using a block.

Add a block to Tadasana. As you sink into Utkatasana, lift your biceps by the ears. Hold for three breaths.

Lift the hips for Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog Pose). Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose) involves lifting the hips. The block should be moved from the thighs into the space between the hands. Hold for five breaths. Warriors of Fun

Concentrate on arm balance and leg strength

Step one leg forward from Adho Mukha Svanasana and pivot the rear foot at a 90-degree angle to Virabhadrasana 1 (Warrior 1). Hold for three breaths.

For Virabhadrasana (Warrior 2), open the hips. Then, pivot the rear foot at a 90-degree angle. Hold for three breaths. Open the hips and fly:

Concentrate on effort and surrender

The front foot should face the same direction as the back foot. Land in Prasarita padottanasana (Wide-Legged forward fold – A) by lowering the block between your hands and hinge at the hips. Hold for three breaths.

Adho Mukha Vrksasana – Variation, with wide legs. Fly as far as you can and then lower your legs gently back into Prasarita Padottanasana. Before continuing, practice 5-10 times. Once you are ready, pivot into High Lunge while holding the block between your palms. Every day is Leg Day.

The major leg muscles are pumped up with a powerful flow

To challenge your balance, in High Lunge, play with the biceps near the ears while gazing upward between your hands. Maintain the front leg and lower the back leg gently to hover above the ground. Repeat the knee tapping 3-5 times, or hold still for three breaths.

Reach your upper body forward from High Lunge. As an extra challenge, you can move smoothly into Virabhadrasana 3 (Warrior 3). Hold three breaths before placing the blocks on the ground beneath your shoulders. You say you are standing on a block?

Play with the balance of a block

Vrksasana, or Tree Pose, is achieved by stepping the back leg on the block. You can move to Utthita hasta Padangustasana if you feel strong. Hole for five breaths.

Rest on the mat. Return to Utkatasana, and then repeat Step 1 on the opposite side.

This practice is a great way to get around on your mat. Savasana is a great way to relax after practicing both sides. If you are seated again, take 5 minutes to rest in Padmasana or Lotus Pose. Focus on your breathing. Happy Practicing!

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